Apart from liking the listing, here are other methods to verify if the apartment you viewed is suitable for you.
1) If possible, trial the commute you would have to make.
Check the estimated travel time on Google Maps during the time of day you plan to commute. Traffic and public transport schedules can vary greatly depending on the time of day, and this can impact how long your commute takes. If you plan on walking, you can walk the route to see if the walk is too long for you. If you plan to take public transport, check the frequency and reliability of the service. You don't want to be late for work or appointments because the bus or train was delayed or cancelled.
Finally, try to imagine yourself making the commute every day for an extended period of time. Does it feel doable, or does it seem like it would be too challenging or stressful? Trust your instincts and make sure you're comfortable with the commute before committing to a new apartment.
2) Spend a day there. Exploring the neighborhood where your apartment is located can provide valuable insights into what living there will be like.
If you don’t know the area, spend some time there to build confidence in your decision.
Take note of the noise level. Is it a busy street with constant traffic and honking horns? Are there any nearby construction sites? If you're a light sleeper, you may want to reconsider if the noise level is too high for you.
Check out the parking situation. Is there ample guest parking? Are there any restrictions or permit requirements? If you have a car, you'll want to make sure you can easily park it without any hassle.
Walk around the neighborhood and get a sense of the community. This will give you an idea of the overall vibe of the neighborhood. Plus, you might discover some hidden gems that you wouldn't have known about otherwise!
3) See if you can get in touch with a current tenant.
If you are considering renting a place, getting in touch with a current tenant can be a great way to get some first-hand information about the property. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your conversation:
- Be respectful of their time and privacy. Understand that they may not be able to chat for a long time or answer every single question you have.
- Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share their perspective. Instead of asking “Is the apartment quiet?” try asking “What has been your experience with noise levels in the building?”
- Take their experience with a grain of salt. While it can be helpful to hear from someone who has lived in the building, their experience may not be the same as yours. Keep an open mind and take their feedback into consideration, but also make sure to do your own research and make your own judgement based on your needs and preferences.
Remember, talking to a current tenant can be a valuable part of your decision-making process, but it shouldn't be the only factor you consider. Take the time to do your own research and make an informed decision that works best for you.
Do your best to answer all of these questions before you sign a lease. Looking for more apartment search tips? Follow us and learn more. Check out thousands of verified listings on SpotEasy.com.